
Definition Of Theme And Variations

Target age range: Grades Grand-6 (with differentiation options within the lesson)

i. Composers sometimes like to take a familiar tune -- that is, a theme or tune -- and create variations, or different versions, of that tune.

two. Listen to a famous theme and variations slice by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

LISTEN12 Variations on Ah, vous dirai-je, maman, K. 265
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Francesco Nicolosi, pianoforte

Everyone will probably recognize the very famous main theme!

For younger children or those who need a movement break, listen to the theme and each variation and use movement or a prop (scarf, ribbon, etc.) to move along with what you hear.

Theme map

Katie Condon/MPR

For older children or those who like art activities, follow along with the listening map below. Near of the variations are nigh a infinitesimal long. In the box underneath each variation, in that location is a description of some of the audio.

Theme map

Katie Condon/MPR

Would you add any words to these descriptions?

Draw your own grid and add music vocabulary, descriptive words or pictures and colors to correspond each variation.

3. Create your own prepare of themes and variations. Select a short, simple and familiar tune, such as "Mary Had a Footling Lamb" or "Happy Birthday."

Choice 1: Sing it, and and then try singing again, making a few changes. Here are a few means you might effort changing it.

• Agree some notes longer and some notes shorter, changing the rhythm
• Repeat a few words or phrases more often that you do when you sing the original theme
• Make your singing vocalism "extra smoothen" or "actress bumpy"
• Change the volume, or dynamics, in new or unusual ways

Option 2: This option requires some music literacy/reading notated music.

• Print out or describe some staff paper.
• Notate the main melody.
• Then try to create a few "decorated" versions. Here are a few suggestions for ideas to get started:

---Pick a note, and add a few neighbour notes on either side of it.
---Turn all your quarter notes into half notes to create serious or solemn variations. If you make all your note values become twice as fast, your variation will probably take a lot of free energy.
---Add a staccato symbol to every note to brand it audio short and bumpy, or add together a long slur to make all the notes audio smoothen and continued.
---Think about how yous could vary the dynamics to make a new variation.
---If you know how, try irresolute a major theme into a minor variation.

four. Here are a few more Themes and Variations for actress listening.

ListenVariations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56a
Johannes Brahms
Brussels Philharmonic; Ali Rahbari, conductor

LISTENVariations on America
Charles Ives (orch. West. Schuman)
Seattle Symphony; Gerard Schwarz, conductor

ListenVariations on a Korean Folk Song
John Barnes Run a risk
United states Regular army Field Ring; William E. Clark, usher

Have a question or suggestion? Contact Katie Condon, music education specialist.

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Definition Of Theme And Variations,


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