Platonic Gas Constabulary

Using the ideal gas constabulary and neglecting temperature changes, determinations of effects on gas (force per unit area, volume, and temperature) can exist made at the beginning and end of the lubrication wheel.

From: Universal Well Control , 2022

Gas Laws

Orin Flanigan , in Hush-hush Gas Storage Facilities, 1995

Compressibility Factors

The platonic gas laws piece of work well at relatively low pressures and relatively high temperatures. When the pressure level and temperature depart from these ranges, significant mistake can outcome from the use of the platonic gas laws. At loftier pressures and depression temperatures, for instance, a gas will occupy a smaller volume than is predicted by the ideal gas law. One hypothesis has been advanced that as the gas molecules are crowded together the gravitational attraction between molecules becomes a gene and this attraction causes the gas volume to exist less than calculated. At very loftier pressures, the reverse is truthful; the gas occupies a greater book than is computed by the platonic gas law. Ane explanation for this is that as the gas molecules go crowded very close together, the physical size of the molecule begins to become a factor and the gas begins to get slightly incompressible. Regardless of the reasons, the ideal gas law does non accurately represent the behavior of gas at high pressures.

In order to study this problem, much inquiry work has been washed. The result of this enquiry work is a term called the compressibility gene. This is likewise sometimes called the supercompressibility factor. The American Gas Clan has sponsored inquiry that defines these factors for all of the weather to which natural gas is normally exposed. The factors accept been establish to exist affected by temperature, pressure level, gas specific gravity, and gas composition, particularly the inert content of the gas. This data is in the form of tables of values too equally the equations for calculating the factor values from the gas properties and conditions.

When the compressibility factor is incorporated into the platonic gas law equation, the result is:

where Z is the compressibility factor determined by whatever method is advisable.

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Pressure Standards

A. BERMAN , in Total Pressure level Measurements in Vacuum Technology, 1985

(three) Failure to obey the ideal gas law

The ideal gas law PV = RT (for ane mole) relates the measurable quantities P, Five, and T of a perfect gas at low pressures. For pressures approaching the high range at which gas is admitted into the system and for real gases such every bit argon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, other relations more accurately approximate the behavior of the gas. Among these, the equation of state of Kamerling Ones and Holborn, expressing the product PV as a function of a ability serial in 1/5 or in P with virial coefficients of state, offers the most authentic approach (Himmelblau, 1967, p. 142). Poulter (1977) expressed the relation which predicts the pressure P 1c in the scale chamber after the outset step by utilizing both Holborn's equation of state and the ideal gas law, for P = 100 kPa (760 Torr) and T = 273 K. He found that the values of P 1c calculated using the ideal gas law accept to be multiplied by a correction factor in club to get those resulting from Holborn'south equation. The value of the correction cistron increases with the molecular mass of the gas used for the generation of the pressure points (east.g., i.0004 for N2 and ane.0066 for Xe).

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Vapor Processes

ByBethanie Joyce Hills Stadler , in Materials Processing, 2016

The platonic gas law tin can exist used to detect the number of molecules per volume and then the hateful free path tin can be calculated:

n 5 = P k T = P N A R T = ( i atm ) ( 0.08206 liter atm / mol K ) ( 300 K ) half dozen.02 × ten 23 molecules / mol grand cm 3 / liter = ii.45 × ten 19 molecules / cm 3

l thousand f p = i two π d 2 n v = one 2 π ( 3.1 × 10 8 cm ) ii ( 2.45 × 10 19 molecules / cm 3 ) = 9.6 × ten half-dozen cm

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Reservoir fluid backdrop

Abdus Satter , Ghulam M. Iqbal , in Reservoir Engineering, 2016

Platonic gas law

The ideal gas law states that the pressure, temperature, and book of gas are related to each other. The following equation tin be used to limited the relationship:

(4.16) p 5 = n R T

where p = prevailing pressure, psia; Five = volume of gas, ft.iii; n = number of pound-moles of gas, lb1000-mol; R = gas police constant, (psia)(ft.3)/(°R)(lbg-mol); T = prevailing accented temperature, °R.

The value of gas law constant is 10.73 based on the units used in the to a higher place equation. It is likewise noted that T, °R = T,°F + 460.

Equation (4.16) is based on Boyle'southward police force and Charles's law. The in a higher place relates the change in ideal gas volume to the changes in prevailing pressure and temperature, respectively. Furthermore, Equation (four.16) is referred to as the equation of land for an platonic gas.

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The Mechanics of Breathing

Joseph Feher , in Quantitative Human Physiology (Second Edition), 2017

Changes in Lung Volumes Produce the Pressure Differences That Drive Air Movement

The Ideal Gas Law describes the relation between pressure and volume in an ideal gas:

[6.1.3] P V = n R T

where P is the pressure measured in atmospheres or mmHg or Pa (=N   thou−ii), or some other appropriate unit, V is the book, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in kelvin. When P is in atmospheres and 5 is in L, R=0.082   L   atm   mol−1  G−one. The inverse relation between force per unit area and volume is the basic principle responsible for pulmonary ventilation: increasing the book of the thoracic crenel, with the enclosed lungs, decreases the pressure of the gas in the lungs and so air rushes in from the outside. Conversely, the reduction of the book of the thoracic cavity increases the pressure of the gas in the lungs and then air moves from the lungs dorsum out into the ambient air.

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Pneumatics and Hydraulics

Peter R.N. Childs , in Mechanical Blueprint Technology Handbook, 2014

xviii.4 Air Compressors and Receivers

Most pneumatic systems apply air as the working fluid. The vast majority of pneumatic systems are open, with the air sourced from ambient atmosphere and vented back to the atmosphere.

The ideal gas police force is given past

(18.8) p V = due north R T


p  =   pressure (N/mtwo),

V  =   volume (mthree),

north  =   number of moles of the gas (n  = m/M (k  =   mass, G  =   molar mass)),

R  =   the universal gas abiding (=8.314510   J/mol   K (Cohen and Taylor, 1999)), and

T  =   temperature (M).

From Eqn (18.8), the full general gas equation for a gas subjected to changes in pressure, volume, and temperature between two states i and two can be obtained.

(18.9) p 1 V 1 T ane = p ii V 2 T 2


p  =   accented pressure (N/m2),

T  =   temperature (K), and

V  =   volume (10003).

The two main classes of air compressors are as follows:

Positive displacement compressors where a stock-still volume of air is delivered with each rotation of the compressor shaft; and

Centrifugal and axial compressors.

The compressor must exist selected such that it provides the pressure required too as the volume of gas at the working pressure. A typical system will be designed to operate with the pressure in the receiver at a slightly higher pressure level than that in the residuum of the circuit with a pressure regulator being used. A typical pneumatic system is illustrated in Figure 18.xi.

Effigy eighteen.xi. Typical pneumatic system.

The employ of an air receiver tends to enable a smaller air compressor to be specified. The air receiver needs to accept a capacity that is sufficiently big to enable to provide the tiptop flow requirements for sufficient periods compatible with the application. The volume of the receiver tends to reduce fluctuations in pressure in comparison to a system direct connected to a compressor. Air exiting from a compressor will be hotter than the inlet air, and the receiver surface volume, sometimes finned, is used to dissipate the thermal energy by natural convection. Water will tend to condense within the receiver; regular drainage of this is necessary. Some applications require drying of air, in which case a simple h2o trap, Figure eighteen.12, refrigerator dryer, deliquescent dryer, or adsorption dryer may be necessary.

Effigy 18.12. Air filter and water trap.

Effigy courtesy of Parr (2011).

Typical regulating valves are illustrated in Figure xviii.13.

Effigy eighteen.13. (a) Relief valve, (b) nonrelieving pressure regulator, (c) relieving pressure regulator, and (d) pilot operated regulator.

Figures courtesy of Parr (2011).

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Full general Engineering and Science

In Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Applied science (Third Edition), 2016 Solution

By Henry's police, the partial pressure of solute i in the gas stage is P i = H i (T)10 i , where x i is the mole fraction of i in solution. Data on Henry'south police constant are obtained from Chapter 14 of Perry and Chilton's Chemic Engineers' Handbook [fourteen] for gas–h2o systems at twenty°C.

Gas i : H 2 Southward CO ii North 2 H i (atm/mole fraction): 4.83 × 1 0 2 1.42 × 1 0 3 8.04 × 1 0 four

Assuming ideal-gas law to hold, P i = y i P, where P=1   atm and y i = mole fraction of i in the gas phase. The equilibrium mole fraction x i of gas i in solution is then given by

x i = P i / H i = y i P / H i

Gas P i n i
i y i (atm) x i (lb-moles) V i (ft3)
H2South 0.20 0.20 4.fourteen × 10−iv 2.30 × x−2 eight.86
COii 0.30 0.30 2.eleven × 10−4 1.17 × ten−two 4.51
Northwardii 0.50 0.50 6.22 × 10−v three.45 × ten−three 1.33

The table shows the rest of the required results for the number of moles due north i of each gas i present in the aqueous phase and the corresponding gas volume Five i dissolved in information technology. Since x i ≪ one, the full moles of liquid is n . ( 1000 / xviii.01 ) lb-moles in 1000   lb of water and and so n i = 10 i n can be calculated. At T=20°C=68°F=528°R and P=ane   atm, the molal volume of the gas mixture is

V ~ = R T P = ( 0.7302 ) ( 528 ) ( 1 ) = 385.55 ft iii /lb-mole

The volume of each gas dissolved in i,000   lb of water is then V i = n i V ~ .

Equilibrium Distribution Ratio or M factor. This is also termed distribution coefficient in the literature; it is a widely accepted method of describing vapor–liquid equilibria in nonideal systems. For whatsoever component i distributed between the vapor stage and liquid phase at equilibrium, the distribution coefficient or Grand cistron is defined by

(2.vii.42) K i = y i / 10 i = 1000 i ( T , P )

The dimensionless K i is regarded as a function of system T and P only and not of stage compositions. Information technology must exist experimentally determined. Reference 64 provides charts of K i (T, P) for a number of paraffinic hydrocarbons. M i increases with an increase in arrangement T and decreases with an increment in P. Away from the critical indicate, it is assumed that the K i values of component i are independent of the other components present in the system. In the absence of experimental data, caution must exist exercised in the use of K-factor charts for a given application. The term distribution coefficient is also used in the context of a solute (solid or liquid) distributed between two immiscible liquid phases; y i and x i are then the equilibrium mole fractions of solute i in each liquid phase.

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Design Basis

E. Shashi Menon Ph.D., P.Eastward. , in Pipeline Planning and Structure Field Manual, 2011

Ideal Gases

An ideal gas is defined as a fluid in which the book of the gas molecules is negligible when compared to the volume occupied past the gas. Such ideal gases are said to obey Boyle's law, Charles' law, and the ideal gas law or the perfect gas equation. We discuss ideal gases offset, followed past real gases.

If M represents the molecular weight of a gas and the mass of a certain quantity of gas is m, the number of moles n is given by

(one.27) n = thousand Grand

where n is the number that represents the number of moles in the given mass. For case, the molecular weight of methane is 16.043. Therefore, 50 lb of methane will comprise approximately 3 moles.

The ideal gas law, also called the perfect gas equation, states that the pressure, book, and temperature of the gas are related to the number of moles past the following equation:

(1.28) P 5 = n R T

where, in USCS units,

P – Absolute pressure, pounds per square inch absolute (psia)

Five – Gas volume, ft3

north – Number of lb moles as defined in Eq. (1.27)

R – Universal gas constant, psia ft3/lb · mol·°R

T – Absolute temperature of gas, °R (°F + 460)

The universal gas abiding R has a value of 10.73 psia ftiii/lb · mol · °R in USCS units.

In SI units, the perfect gas equation is as follows:

(1.29) P V = northward R T


P – Absolute pressure, kPa

V – Gas volume, m3

n – Number of kg moles as divers in Eq. (1.27)

R – Universal gas constant, kPa · m3/kg · mol · Thou

T – Absolute temperature of gas, Thou (°C + 273)

The universal gas constant R has a value of 8.314 J/mol · 1000 in SI units.

Nosotros can combine Eq. (one.27) with Eq. (one.28) and express the ideal gas equation equally follows:

(one.thirty) P V = m R T Thousand

The constant R is the aforementioned for all ideal gases and hence it is chosen the universal gas constant.

Information technology has been found that the ideal gas equation is correct simply at low pressures close to the atmospheric pressure level (xiv.7 psia or 101 kPa). Since gas pipelines generally operate at pressures college than atmospheric pressures, nosotros must modify Eq. (1.thirty) to accept into account the effect of compressibility. The latter is accounted for by using a term called the compressibility factor or gas deviation factor. Nosotros talk over real gases and the compressibility factor nether the heading Real Gases.

It must be noted that in the platonic gas equation (Eq. [1.30]), the pressures and temperatures must be in absolute units. Absolute force per unit area is defined as the gauge pressure (as measured by a force per unit area gauge) plus the local atmospheric pressure at the specific location. Therefore,

(1.31) P abs = P estimate + P atm

Thus, if the gas pressure is 200 psig (measured past a pressure gauge) and the atmospheric force per unit area is psia, the absolute pressure of the gas is

P abs = 2 00 + 14 . 7 = 214 . vii  psia

Absolute pressure is expressed as psia while the guess force per unit area is referred to as psig. The adder to the estimate pressure level, which is the local atmospheric pressure level, is likewise called the base pressure. In SI units, 500 kPa gauge pressure level is equal to 601 kPa accented pressure if the base pressure is 101 kPa. Pressure in USCS units is stated in pounds per square inch (lb/in2) or psi. In SI units, pressure is expressed in kilopascal (kPa), megapascal (MPa), or bar. Refer to Appendix 1 for unit of measurement conversion tables.

The absolute temperature of a gas is measured above a certain datum. In USCS units, the absolute calibration of temperature is designated every bit degree Rankin (°R) and is obtained by adding the abiding 460 to the gas temperature in °F. In SI units, the accented temperature scale is referred to equally Kelvin (K). Accented temperature in K is equal to (°C + 273).


(1.32) ° R = ° F + 46 0

(1.33) 1000 = ° C + 273

Annotation that unlike temperatures in caste Rankin (°R), there is no degree symbol for accented temperature in Kelvin (G).

Ideal gases also obey Boyle's law and Charles' police. Boyle'due south law relates the pressure and volume of a given quantity of gas when the temperature is kept constant. Abiding temperature is chosen isothermal status. According to Boyle's police force, for a given quantity of gas under isothermal conditions, the force per unit area is inversely proportional to the volume. In other words, the volume of a gas will double, if its pressure is halved and vice versa. Since density and volume are inversely related, Boyle'southward law also means that the pressure is directly proportional to the density at a constant temperature. Thus, a given quantity of gas at a fixed temperature will double in density when the pressure is doubled. Similarly, a 10% reduction in pressure volition cause the density to too decrease past the aforementioned amount. Boyle's law may be expressed as follows:

(one.34) P ane P ii = V 2 V 1   or P ane V 1 = P 2 V 2

where P one and 5 1 are the pressure level and volume of the gas at condition 1 and P 2 and V ii are the corresponding value at some other condition ii, where the temperature is the aforementioned.

Charles' law states that for constant pressure level, the gas volume is directly proportional to its temperature. Similarly, if book is kept constant, the pressure varies directly equally the temperature, as indicated by the post-obit equations:

(1.35) 5 one V 2 = T ane T 2  at constant pressure

(1.36) P 1 P 2 = T 1 T 2  at abiding book

where T 1 and V 1 are the temperature and volume of the gas at condition i and T 2 and V 2 are the corresponding values at another status two, where the force per unit area is the aforementioned. Similarly, at abiding volume, T one and P 1 and T 2 and P 2 are the temperatures and pressures of the gas at conditions i and ii, respectively.

Therefore, according to Charles' police force for an ideal gas at abiding pressure level, the volume will change in the same proportion as its temperature. Thus, a 20% increase in temperature volition cause a xx% increment in volume as long as the pressure does not change. Similarly, if volume is kept constant, a 20% increase in temperature volition result in the same percentage in increase in gas pressure. Constant pressure level is also known as isobaric condition.

Example Problem 1.7 (USCS)

An ideal gas occupies a tank book of 400 ft3 at a pressure of 200 psig and a temperature of 100°F.


What is the gas volume at standard atmospheric condition of 14.73 psia and threescore°F? Assume atmospheric force per unit area is 14.six psia.


If the gas is cooled to fourscore°F, what is the gas pressure?



Initial atmospheric condition

P 1 = 2 00 + 14 . half-dozen = 214 . 6  psia 5 one = iv 00  ft iii T one = 1 00 + 46 0 = 56 0 ° R

Terminal conditions

P ii = fourteen . 73  psia

V 2 is to be calculated.

T 2 = 6 0 + 46 0 = 52 0 ° R

Using the platonic gas equation (Eq. [i.30]), we can state that

214.half dozen × 400 560 = 14.73 × V two 520

V 2 = 5411 . 3  ft 3


When the gas is cooled to 80°F, the final conditions are to exist determined.

T two = 8 0 + 46 0 = 54 0 ° R V 2 = 4 00  ft 3

P 2 is to be calculated.

The initial conditions are

P ane = 2 00 + 14 . half-dozen = 214 . six  psia V 1 = iv 00  ft three T 1 = 1 00 + 46 0 = 56 0 ° R

Information technology can exist seen that the book of gas is constant (tank volume) and the temperature reduces from 100°F to fourscore°F. Therefore, using the Charles' law equation (Eq. [1.36]), we can calculate the last pressure as follows:

214.half-dozen P 2 = 560 540

Solving for P 2, we get

P two = ii 0 6 . 94  psia = 2 0 vi . 94 14 . 6 = 192 . 34  psig

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Physical Properties

E. Shashi Menon , in Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual, 2015

15 Ideal Gases

An ideal gas is divers as a gas in which the book of the gas molecules is negligible compared to the book occupied by the gas. Also, the attraction or repulsion between the individual gas molecules and the container are negligible. Further, for an platonic gas, the molecules are considered to be perfectly elastic and there is no internal energy loss resulting from collision betwixt the molecules. Such platonic gases are said to obey several classical equations such every bit the Boyle's law, Charles's law and the ideal gas equation or the perfect gas equation. Nosotros will first discuss the behavior of ideal gases and and so follow it up with the behavior of real gases.

If G represents the molecular weight of a gas and the mass of a certain quantity of gas is m, the number of moles is given by

(three.42) n = g / M

where due north is the number that represents the number of moles in the given mass.

Equally an instance, the molecular weight of methane is 16.043. Therefore, 50   lb of marsh gas volition incorporate approximately three   mol.

The ideal gas law, sometimes referred to as the perfect gas equation simply states that the pressure, volume, and temperature of the gas are related to the number of moles by the following equation.

(iii.43) PV = nRT


P – Absolute pressure, psia

V – Gas volume, ftiii

n – Number of lb moles every bit divers in Equation (iii.42)

R – Universal gas constant

T – Absolute temperature of gas, °R (°F   +   460).

The universal gas abiding R has a value of x.732   psia ft3/lb mole °R in USCS units. We can combine Eqn (3.42) with Eqn (3.43) and express the ideal gas equation as follows

(3.44) PV = mRT / M

where all symbols have been defined previously. It has been found that the ideal gas equation is correct only at low pressures close to the atmospheric pressure. Because gas pipelines by and large operate at pressures higher than atmospheric pressures, we must modify Eqn (3.44) to have into business relationship the effect of compressibility. The latter is accounted for by using a term chosen the compressibility gene or gas divergence factor. We will discuss the compressibility factor later in this chapter.

In the perfect gas Eqn (3.44), the pressures and temperatures must exist in accented units. Accented pressure is defined every bit the judge pressure (as measured past a gauge) plus the local atmospheric pressure. Therefore

(3.45) P abs = P approximate + P atm

Thus if the gas force per unit area is twenty   psig and the atmospheric pressure is 14.7   psia, we get the accented pressure of the gas as

P abs = xx + xiv.7 = 34.7 psia

Absolute pressure is expressed as psia, whereas the guess pressure is referred to equally psig. The adder to the guess force per unit area, which is the local atmospheric pressure, is also chosen the base pressure level. In SI units, 500   kPa judge pressure level is equal to 601   kPa accented pressure if the base pressure is 101   kPa.

The absolute temperature is measured above a certain datum. In USCS units, the absolute calibration of temperatures is designated as degree Rankin (°R) and is equal to the sum of the temperature in °F and the constant 460. In SI units, the absolute temperature scale is referred to every bit caste Kelvin (K). Absolute temperature in K is equal to °C   +   273.


Absolute temperature, °R   =   Temp   °F   +   460.

Absolute temperature, K   =   Temp   °C   +   460.

Information technology is customary to drib the caste symbol for accented temperature in Kelvin.

Platonic gases also obey Boyle's law and Charles's law. Boyle's law is used to relate the pressure and volume of a given quantity of gas when the temperature is kept constant. Constant temperature is also called isothermal status. Boyle'due south law is equally follows

P 1 / P ii = V 2 / V 1


(three.46) P ane Five 1 = P 2 5 2

where P1 and V1 are the pressure and volume at condition one and P2 and V2 are the corresponding value at another condition 2 where the temperature is non changed.

Charles's police states that for constant pressure level, the gas volume is directly proportional to the gas temperature. Similarly, if book is kept constant, the pressure varies directly equally the temperature. Therefore we can state the post-obit.

(three.47) Five 1 / Five two = T 1 / T ii at constant pressure

(three.48) P 1 / P 2 = T 1 / T 2 at constant volume

Example Trouble three.8

A certain mass of gas has a volume of m   ft3 at 60   psig. If temperature is constant and the pressure increases to 120   psig, what is the final volume of the gas? The atmospheric pressure level is 14.vii   psi.


Boyle's law can be practical considering the temperature is constant. Using Eqn(3.46), we can write.

V 2 = P 1 V i / P 2


Five 2 = ( 60 + 14.7 ) × m / ( 120 + xiv.7 ) = 554.57 f t three

Example Trouble 3.9

At 75   psig and lxx   °F, a gas has a book of 1000   ft3. If the volume is kept constant and the gas temperature increases to 120   °F, what is the final pressure of the gas? For constant pressure at 75   psig, if the temperature increases to 120   °F, what is the final book? Use 14.7   psi for the base pressure.


Considering the volume is constant in the start function of the problem, Charles'southward law applies.

( 75 + xiv.7 ) / ( P ii ) = ( seventy + 460 ) / ( 120 + 460 )

Solving for P2 we go

P 2 = 98.16 psia or 88.46 psig

For the second function, the pressure is constant and Charles's police can be applied.

V 1 / V 2 = T ane / T 2

1000 / V ii = ( 70 + 460 ) / ( 120 + 460 )

Solving for V2 we get

5 2 = 1094.34 f t 3

Example Problem 3.ten

An ideal gas occupies a tank volume of 250   ft3 at a pressure of 80   psig and temperature of 110   °F.


What is the gas volume at standard conditions of xiv.73   psia and threescore   °F? Assume atmospheric force per unit area is 14.6   psia.


If the gas is cooled to ninety   °F, what is the gas pressure?



Using the ideal gas Eqn (3.43), we can land that

P ane V 1 / T 1 = P ii V 2 / T 2

P 1 = 80 + 14.6 = 94.six psia

5 1 = 250 f t iii

T 1 = 110 + 460 = 570 ° R

P two = 14.73

Vtwo is to exist calculated


T 2 = sixty + 460 = 520 ° R

94.half-dozen × 250 / 570 = 14.73 × Five 2 / 520

V ii = 1,464.73 f t iii


When the gas is cooled to 90   °F, the final conditions are:

T 2 = 90 + 460 = 550 ° R

5 2 = 250 f t 3

P2 is to be calculated.

The initial atmospheric condition are:

P 1 = 80 + 14.half-dozen = 94.6 psia

V 1 = 250 f t 3

T 1 = 110 + 460 = 570 ° R

It can be seen that the volume of gas is abiding and the temperature reduces from 110   °F to 90   °F. Therefore using Charles's police, we can calculate as follows

P 1 / P two = T 1 / T 2

94.6 / P two = 570 / 550

P 2 = 94.half dozen × 550 / 570 = 91.28 psia or the 91.28 14.6 = 76.68 psig

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C.A. Swenson , T.J. Quinn , in Encyclopedia of Physical Scientific discipline and Technology (Third Edition), 2003

III.B.1 Gas Thermometry

The ideal-gas law [Eq. (5)] is valid experimentally for a real gas but in the low-pressure limit, with higher-order terms (the virial coefficients, non divers here) effectively causing R to be both pressure and temperature dependent for near experimental conditions. While these terms can be calculated theoretically, most gas thermometry information are taken for a variety of pressures, and the ideal-gas limit, and, hence, the ideal-gas temperature, is accomplished through an extrapolation to P=0. The slope of this extrapolation gives the virial coefficients, which are useful non but for experimental design, only also for comparison with theory. The following discussion of ideal-gas thermometry is concerned, first, with conventional gas thermometry, then with the measurement of sound velocities, and, finally, with the use of capacitance or interferometric techniques. Each of these instruments should give comparable results, although the "virial coefficients" will have different forms.

Gas thermometry in the past xx years or then has benefited from a number of innovations that have improved the accuracy of the results. Pressures are measured using costless piston (dead weight) gauges that are more flexible and easier to apply than mercury manometers. The thermometric gas (usually helium) is separated from the pressure-measuring arrangement by a capacitance diaphragm gauge, which gives an accurately defined room-temperature volume and a separation of the pressure-measurement system from the working gas. In addition, rest-gas analyzers can determine when the thermometric volume has been sufficiently degassed to minimize desorption effects.

In isothermal gas thermometry, absolute measurements of the pressure, volume, and quantity of a gas (number of moles) are used with the gas constant to determine the temperature straight from Eq. (5). Data are taken isothermally at several pressures, and the results are extrapolated to P  =   0 to obtain the ideal-gas temperature besides equally the virial coefficients. A measurement at 273.16   K gives the gas constant.

A major trouble in isothermal gas thermometry is determining the quantity of gas in the thermometer, since this ultimately requires the authentic measurement of a modest departure betwixt 2 large masses. Most often, this problem is bypassed by "filling" the thermometer to a known pressure at a standard temperature, with relative quantities of gas for subsequent fillings determined by division at this temperature between volumes that have a known ratio. The standard temperature may involve a fixed point or, for temperatures near the ice point, an SPRT that has been calibrated at the triple point of water. Since the volume of the gas for a given filling is constant for information taken on several subsequent isotherms, and the mass ratios are known very accurately, the accented quantity of gas needs to be known simply approximately. Excellent secondary thermometry is very important to reproduce the isotherm temperatures for subsequent gas thermometer fillings. The results for the isotherms (virial coefficients and temperatures) then are referenced to this standard "filling temperature."

The procedure for constant-book gas thermometry is very much the same equally that for isotherm thermometry, merely detailed bulb force per unit area data are taken equally a function of temperature for one (and possibly more) "filling" of the bulb at the standard temperature. To first order, force per unit area ratios are equal to temperature ratios, with thermodynamic temperatures calculated using known virial coefficients. In practice, the virial coefficients vary slowly with temperature, so a relatively few isotherm determinations tin can be sufficient to allow the detailed investigation of a secondary thermometer to be carried out using many data points in a constant-volume gas thermometry experiment. If the constant-volume gas thermometer is to be used in an interpolating gas thermometer fashion (equally for the ITS-ninety), the major corrections are due to the nonideality of the gas. When a nonideality correction is made using known values for the viral coefficients, the gas thermometer can be calibrated at iii stock-still points (nigh 4 and at 13.8 and 24.6   K) to requite a quadratic pressure–temperature relation that corresponds to T inside roughly 0.1   mK.

The velocity of sound in an ideal gas is given by

(6) c 2 = C P / C V RT / Chiliad ,

where the heat capacity ratio (C P/C V) is 5/3 for a monatomic gas such as helium. Since times and lengths tin exist measured very accurately, the measurement of acoustic velocities by the detection of successive resonances in a cylindrical cavity (varying the length at constant frequency) appears to offer an platonic way to measure temperature. This is not completely right, notwithstanding, since boundary (wall and edge) effects that touch on the velocity of audio are of import even for the simplest case in which only ane way is nowadays in the cavity (frequencies of a few kilohertz). These furnishings unfortunately go larger as the force per unit area is reduced. An splendid theory relates the attenuation in the gas to these velocity changes, merely the situation is very complex and satisfactory results are possible but with consummate attention to detail. An alternative configuration uses a spherical resonator in which the acoustic move of the gas is perpendicular to the wall, thus eliminating viscosity boundary layer effects. The nearly reliable recent determination of the gas constant, R, is based on very careful sound velocity measurements in argon every bit a function of force per unit area at 273.sixteen   Yard, using a spherical resonator.

The dielectric constant and index of refraction of an ideal gas besides are density dependent through the Clausius–Mossotti equation,

(7) ϵ r 1 / ϵ r + ii = α / Five k = α RT / P ,

in which εr(= ε/ε0) is the dielectric constant and α is the molar polarizability. Equation (7) suggests that an isothermal measurement of the dielectric constant as a function of pressure level should be equivalent to an isothermal gas thermometry experiment, while an experiment at constant force per unit area is equivalent to a abiding-volume gas thermometry experiment. The dielectric constant, which is very close to unity, is almost easily determined in terms of the ratio of the capacitance of a stable capacitor that contains gas at the force per unit area P to its capacitance when evacuated. The results that are obtained when this ratio is measured using a three-terminal ratio transformer bridge are comparable in accurateness with those from conventional gas thermometry. An advantage is that the quantity of gas in the experiment need never be known, although intendance must be taken in prison cell design to ensure that the nonnegligible changes in cell dimensions with force per unit area can exist understood in terms of the bulk modulus of the (copper) prison cell construction fabric.

At high frequencies (those of visible light), the dielectric abiding is equal to the square of the index of refraction of the gas (εr  = due north two), so an interferometric experiment should also be useful as a master thermometer. No results for this blazon of experiment have been reported, however.

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