
How To Use Ph Test Strips For Amniotic Fluid

New technology helps identify amniotic fluid leakage

New technology helps identify amniotic fluid leakage



Paul Stillman looks at a revolutionary new non-invasive production that detects leaking amniotic fluid

This new product – AmnioSenseTM – will help midwives to reliably exclude SROM/PROM/P-PROM without the need for speculum testing and provides a much more convenient, unobtrusive and less costly alternative to referring mums-to-be to a infirmary setting for checking.

AminoSense will also help mitigate worry for mothers-to-be, while quickly alerting expectant mums and healthcare professionals when at that place is a more urgent need for attention and action. In fact, AmnioSense is so sensitive that it reacts to as lilliputian every bit 100 microlitres of amniotic fluid – the equivalent of two drops. [1]

Previously, the only way to diagnose leaking amniotic fluid has been via a speculum and swab tests, but now AmnioSense, which is as authentic as hospital examinations* can be used. Clinical studies and an contained evaluation by Dainty (National Establish for Health and Clinical Excellence), take confirmed the accurateness and effectiveness of AmnioSense. What's more is that a Squeamish review showed that in two out of five cases AmnioSense enabled an authentic diagnosis without the need for a physical examination of the neck using a speculum. [two]
How does AmnioSense piece of work?
AmnioSense contains a ii-stage diagnostic polymer strip within a panty-liner that tin can tell if a pregnant woman is leaking amniotic fluid. If the strip in the panty-liner comes into contact with moisture with a pH of more than 6.five, it volition plough a blue-green color. Amniotic fluid has a pH of six.7 or more, while normal vaginal secretions are 3.v to four.v.

The strip is also able to eliminate any false readings caused by incontinence. Though the pH of urine ranges from 4.0 to 8 3 , information technology as well contains ammonia. The AmnioSense strip has reagents, which react differently to ammonia, and if the liner does alter colour due to urine, it volition then fade within ten minutes. If the wetness is due to amniotic fluid the blue-green colour volition remain for at to the lowest degree ii hours.
Community Midwife, Emma Herbert who has been trialling AmnioSense with xv mums to exist so far says: "AmnioSense gives women control by providing a elementary, effective, trustworthy and non-invasive test which allows them to differentiate between a pregnancy niggle and a potentially serious pregnancy complexity.
"For professionals, AmnioSense gives the reassurance that a leak is non caused by amniotic fluid, without the demand for an intimate exam. In addition, as the panty-liner can be worn for up to 12 hours, it is very efficient at detecting small, irksome leaks of amniotic fluid. And as the results are stable for at least ii hours in that location is frequently fourth dimension for the woman to get to her midwife or doctor and bear witness them the results."
AmnioSense can be used past women at any stage of their pregnancy who have unidentified vaginal wetness and by those at high risk of premature rupture of membranes.


Detect out more at world wide britain


  2. NICE review, on file

*When compared to the virtually common tests performed in hospital; sterile speculum examination, microscopic ferning exam and pH paper examination

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