
How To Use A Refining Forge In Ark

Refining Forge.png

Spawn Command

cheat giveitemnum 124 one 0 0
cheat gfi forge 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Design'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_Forge.PrimalItemStructure_Forge'" 1 0 0

The Refining Forge is a structure in ARK: Survival Evolved that is used to refine  Metallic into  Metal Ingot and  Oil into  Gasoline. It is unlocked at Level 20.

Usage [ ]

To utilize the Refining Forge, i needs to put either  Thatch,  Forest,  Sparkpowder or  AnglerGel within. See table below for more than information. The Refining Forge besides can not be sitting on a foundation that'south in water.

Once the fuel and refining materials are inside the forge, yous calorie-free the fire to begin refining. Durations for the fuel and the refining materials are given in the tables below.

To brand the about efficient use of fuel, the amount of refining materials and fuel should be balanced to not waste fuel once the refining is consummate.

For mutual examples:

  • 400 Thatch, or
  • 100 Woods, or
  • 50 Sparkpowder, or
  • 12.v AnglerGel

Can exactly cook:

  • 300 Metal (150 Metallic Ingots), and/or
  • 600 Oil & 500 Hide (500 Gasoline)

Fuel [ ]

Each fuel will burn down for a different amount time. The table below shows how long each fuel will burn and what a single piece of fuel tin can theoretically refine (Minimum amounts of ingredients are given in the Refining section).

Each Fuel Burn Time  Metal  Oil
 Thatch 7.5s 0.75 one.five
 Wood 30s 3 six
 Sparkpowder 1m six 12
 AnglerGel 4m 24 48

Each fuel stacks to a maximum of 100, except thatch, which stacks to 200. The table beneath shows how long one stack of each fuel will fire and how much that is able to refine.

Stack of Fuel (x100) Burn Time  Metal  Oil
 Thatch 12m 30s 75 150
 Forest 50m 300 600
 Sparkpowder 1h 40m 600 1200
 AnglerGel 6h 40m 2400 4800

An first-class offline reckoner is available for automating these calculations, or you tin use the following online figurer.

Refining [ ]

Each resource takes a unlike amount fourth dimension to refine. The post-obit table gives the elapsing to refine each resource for different amounts of ingredients

Resource Minimum Ingredients Refining Time Stack of Ingredients Refining Time
 Metal Ingot 1 × Metallic 5s 150 × Metallic 50s
 Gasoline x five half-dozen × Oil
5 × Hide
10s 240 × Oil
200 × Hibernate

An online reckoner for automating the calculations is available at (Simply click the industrial tab)

Both Gasoline and Metallic tin can smelt at the same time with both timers running simultaneously.

Notes [ ]

  • The Refining Forge is treated every bit a wooden structure and tin not be damaged past easily, stone weapons, or not-explosive ranged attacks.
  • The following aggressive creatures tin non harm the Refining Forge:

Painting and Color Regions [ ]

X mark.svg

The Refining Forge is not currently paint-able, withal this object may be re-mapped to include paint regions in a future update.

For more data on Paint Regions and how to utilise them, please view the Blue Coloring.png Dye,  Paintbrush, or  Spray Painter pages.

How To Use A Refining Forge In Ark,


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